
Hales Blaze of Glory

Blaze was 3 months old when we brought him home. He came from a little ranch just north of Paris, TX. I would jokingly say my husband took me to Paris for Valentine's Day. Well, he did. And I got the very best Valentine's Day present! Blaze is a gorgeous tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi. When he was little, he had a cream-colored heart on his rear! We were so not prepared to bring home a puppy. We had to stop and get a crate, food bowls, food, leash, collar...everything he needed for his first night at home. He was such a little ranch dog. He had never worn a collar or leash, never gone up and down stairs, never been in a crate, and wasn't completely housetrained. Blaze was a sport! He mastered stairs in 2 days, collar and leash on day one, and slept all night in his crate the very first night. And our vet was astounded that he only took 5 days to completely housetrain at such a young age. He is so very smart!

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  1. Hola =)
    Hello !!! =)
    Bonjour !!! =)
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